
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Last week when we went to the hospital for our usual visit, we discovered that Margarita, the lady we have visited every week for the last 2 months, had been released! (See previous Margarita blog if you want to know more about Margaritas hospital stay). We remembered that she had told us that she lived close to us, and that she lived near a church at the end of Santa Lucia. And that the church was loud when they sang.

So Liana and I went on a search for Margarita. We had no idea where exactly she lived, but we started at the end of Santa Lucia, where there was a makeshift church. I had visions of us walking around asking “Donde esta Margarita?” to every Nicaraguan we met- for hours not finding her. But I had hope that even though we had no idea what her last name was, nor the street she lived on, that we would still find her.

We asked a lady on the side of the road selling fruit. Then we asked a lady at a pulperia (little corner store) next door to the church. She in turn yelled for the lady who lived next door to her. No luck. They said try the other side of the street. Then we asked a family down the street. Soon there was a whole group of people looking for Margarita. We found a couple people who said she lived in the barrio, in the last house on the left.

On arriving at the back of the barrio, we met Fabi, a girl that comes to womans group. She took us to visit her sister, and then walked us to Margaritas house. On arrival, we realized that yes, this lady’s name was Margarita, and yes, she did have an ulcer on her leg. But in fact it was the wrong Margarita. So the search continued.
Somehow Fabi knew who to ask, and we found out that a lady lived near a church in the barrio, and she had an ulcer, but they didn’t think her name was Margarita. By now we had searched for over an hour in the hot sun, and we were really discouraged. We walked to the house, and upon arrival, we realized that IT WAS MARGARITA!! She welcomed us and we sat down and talked. It was amazing that we had found her. We have made plans to go over there on Monday and learn how to make tortillas and pollo tapado.