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When life gives you mangos, you make smoothies.

Its hard to believe that my time here in Nicaragua is coming to a close soon. 4 weeks from tomorrow I will be flying back to Houston for debrief time, then coming home to Ohio on May 15!
 So much has happened in the past 5 months I have been here- I wouldnt know where to start explaining everything. One thing I do want to say – even though I love the people of Nicaragua, and the people I am working with, it will be nice to come home. I am so tired after every week, and it seems like theres always a new person to love, someone different who needs help, someone else lost to a life of drugs/alcohol. Dont get me wrong, there have been some great times here in Nicaragua, but it would be so hard not to become cynical or bitter living here as a Gringo for a long time. Every Gringo is looked at as a walking wallet, or someone to just give away things to people. We offer love, and get taken advantage of. I am learning so much spanish here and how to talk to people, but its also hard to relate to someone who will do ANYTHING they can to get money, when i dont know what its like to go a week without food or shelter. But theres so much hope in alot of the Nicas eyes as well. Even though we get discouraged, (and this past week was sooo stressful) I cling to the great times we have had here. Each weekend we do get times to relax, and we are so blessed with everything we have gotten here. The freinds I have made will be friends for life.
And I have also learned how to live in community with other people. I have now lived with the 6 other Novas people that are in my team for the past 7 months. We have learned how to love each other, confront each other, spur each other onto greatness. I highly highly encourage anyone who is thinking of doing a missions trip, school abroad, or a year in a different country. Get out of the box that America puts us in and see life through the eyes of someone else. I was scared to death to do something like this, but now that I have, it has changed my life for the better, and I know I will never forget Nicaragua.


  1. Amber~ Hello! We are so excited for you! I can’t believe you are coming home soon. Can’t wait to see you. I can only imagine the life lessons you are experiencing. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you the best as you continue your journey! Love ya, Donnie, Luann, Macy & Mason

  2. Amber – that’s what’s really important: Remembering! It’s what keeps it alive. Keep fighting to make sure you don’t forget.

  3. I am so excited to see you and hear all about your work. I can see how hard it’s going to be for you to leave, but we’re all looking forward to having you back again!
    Love you!

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