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Thoughts & Inspiration

Yeah im here enjoying this amazingly beautiful place while i write my blog. The gateway sunsets and sunrises are AMAZING. Im doing so much every day but on the weekends its so nice to stop and enjoy the awesomeness of Mexico’s scenery 🙂

I cannot really explain how much I am learning here at the Gateway. Every day is a new experience with many new things. Even the food we eat is a new experience. Wednesday, the cook bought a pig from a guy who needed money, and brought it back to the gateway. And I got to experience a pig butchering. Which I never want to hear again. I didn’t even go outside to watch because I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat the pig if I saw it die. It was terrible to listen to though L

We went to a prison Tuesday. To get into the prison, we needed to turn in our id’s and they stamped our arms and our hands. Then we were taken into a room and checked for weapons and drugs. Then we were brought down a long hallway into the prison. The prison had two sides: a girl side and a guy side. It was not as much of a prison, as a prison village. Each side had like a little strip of tiny houses where the prisoners live. The girls side also had a big courtyard with grass and trees, and a little church. The prisoners were allowed to have children and keep them until the children turned 5. Then they had to go off to school. But they also had little businesses that the prisoners ran. The mens side had a little prison village, but also a clinic/mental hospital, and a huge church.

Organic gardening was our theme to learn this week. I learned how to compost and how to grow things without insecticides/pesticides. We planted carrots and radishes, and each team got a box to plant their carrots/radishes in. Whichever team has the highest weight in produce by the end of training will get $200. We also went worm charming- yes I stuck a stick in the ground to look for worms. And I got no worms. Apparently my skill as a worm charmer needs to be perfected. Ha. Actually I blame it on the Mexican soil. It killed every worm…(Pictures below of my worm charming skillzzzz)

We also visit our family at least twice each week. A while ago (not sure when- but before we met them), AIM gave our family goats, a pig, chickens, and just recently rabbits, to take care of – in order to get some sort of income. But when they put up the goat pen, they had to take down the kid’s soccer goals. So Friday, we brought the family new soccer goals from Jonathon, the director of this base. It took us an hour to put them together, and of course the directions were in English not Spanish. And none of us knew the word for hammer (martillo), pole (poste), net (who knows what that is), or Velcro fastener (??). I guess I don’t use those words in a normal conversation. So in horrible Spanish we proceeded to help the family put together the nets. It was mostly us saying “aqui” (here) and “alli” (there) and ayudame (help me). Haha. But the family loved the nets and we played futbol with them for a while.

I am having a great time, and if you would like to know more or would like to talk to me- you can always email me at [email protected]. I will try to reply as soon as I can. Also if you would like to check my facebook, I have uploaded many pictures from this trip so far! Just add me as a friend on facebook! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!
Here are some pics of what has gone on in the last week.
Here is the Nicaragua team and our family. Our family consists of Maricia (blue headband), Hector (red striped shirt), Adela (to the left of Maricia), Maricio (red shirt), Flor (younger girl in the front), and Trinidad (the little guy in the striped blue shirt). If you can see in the background, there is their house behind the tree. One room where the entire family lives.
My face after i climbed the water tower i am laying plastered to the top of the water tower because im too afraid to get up – if you would like to see the entire climb up the huge water tower, you can check it out on my facebook.
Lila and Jessica worm charming/noodling. Camp taught us to worm noodle. This is where you pound a stick in the ground and simulate the sound of moles (the worms worst enemy). So the worms get scared and wiggle up to the surface. Then we capture them. Yeah, definitely didnt work for us. Apparently it works! There’s even a worm charming competition in Europe every once and a while…
We also had a suprise birthday party for Brittany this week. She loves Elmo so they got her an Elmo pinata, and she promptly destroyed it. It was great!
It was a good week with some fun times and learning too 🙂