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Its pouring down rain here- palm tree limbs flying and wind blowing, rain beating down on the tin roof awesomeness. Apparently according to our host family it rains like once a week or so here during this time. At least maybe the heat will go away since it is raining J

This base I am staying at is located in Ejido Buenos Aires, a small community close to Matamoros. We went into Matamoros Tuesday and Thursday to help out cleaning up the school AIM is starting there. The institute’s building was originally on this property but they are moving the school to the property they own in Matamoros. When we were there some of us got to talk to some of the locals that live in that area.

We are also having Spanish lessons – this week it was Mon, Wed, Fri in the morning- we are learning good conversational phrases and vocabulary in order to be able to effectively communicate with the people we are helping out. It will be especially good for the Nicaragua team because we will need it when we go down there at the end of November. I am excited to learn Spanish, but as of now my Spanish probably would be equated to that of a 4 yr old. Oh well, at least I will learn and will be able to communicate with the kids in Nicaragua!!

Saturdays are our days off. Last week we went into Texas, and bought some much needed comfort food (CHOCOLATE AND DIET COKE YAY). This week I think I will possibly be going into Matamoros and explore that town J

The Mission Base- AIM – in Ejido Buenos Aires
The girls dorm! The guys dorm is on the other side, connected to the girls dorm.
MY bed! This is the bottom bunk of my bed, i sleep on the top and throw all my stuff on the bottom. Sadly, this was taken 3 days into the trip. I apparently cannot keep my area clean. 🙁
Really Cool Sky one day
The bathrooms. They are pretty nice! 🙂 There’s running water!
People climbing the water tower. This water tower is HUGE. Very scary to climb. It is the goal of ours that everyone conquers their fear and climbs the tower before training camp is over! I climbed it today (pictures to come)
The view from halfway up the water tower
A really awesome pic of the base
So far, this experience has been great. (More pictures to come!) I conquered my fear of climbing the water tower, I’m re-learning spanish, and i’ve done things that i’ ve never thought i’d do before! It has been so awesome to connect with my teammates and be part of the Novas group. I can’t wait until Nicaragua!

3 responses to “Life at the Gateway!”

  1. You Go amb!! Way to climb the water tower!! There’s no way I would have done that. Having the vocab of a 4 year old is no small feat… the average 4 year old know 2,500 words. That’s about 2,496 more works than I know in spanish so there ya go!!
    Also, Having simple language skills is a really good life lesson- you realize how much of what you say is just unnecessary filler. A LONG time before you think you’re fluent in the language you’ve realized that you’ve gotten to the point that with a patient listener, you can communicate pretty much any idea and that is what is really important.
    Keep on keepin’ on, little amb
    we miss you!!

  2. Yaaaay for water towers! And of COURSE your bunk would be messy 🙂 for that is the life of “livin with a messy” (remember that book you gave me?) It looks like you are having so much fun and now I believe you that you are super busy whenever you say I GOTTA GO I’M BUSY!!! I would have cried instead of climbed that tower btw. Have fun!


  3. lol the bed doesn’t suprise me @ all, lol
    espero que la estes pasando bien, te felicito por subir ese edificio tan alto, y espero que sigas experimentando muchas cosas buenas y exitantes!! te extraño!