
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So surprises of all surprises, I recently (as of 2 weeks before the trip) decided to take a project leader position going back to Granada. This was through AIM’s Edge program, which sends churches, adult groups, kids groups, and college kids on short trips to different countries. So I arrived at El Puente on July 9 and said hello AGAIN 🙂 to all the wonderful people that I know.
   What I didnt expect was the welcome I would recieve. Noone except for a few people knew I was returning to Granada, and the surprised elated looks I recieved did my heart good. Ezekiel jumped up and down and couldnt stop yelling my name, Oscar hugged me and hugged me and couldnt stop talking to me. Seeing Carlos playing his guitar again and singing made me cry. And Pastor Jimmy and his wife Myra were also so overjoyed to see me. It was as if I had never left – except Ezekiel said he had missed us all from the Novas team. Francisco, Natalia, Angel, Mauricio…they were all there last week. EVerything was the same, but yet different. Better. I sat in my room and cried because of the beautiful friends I had in Granada. The relationships that will probably never be forgotten.
   The athens team came in on July 11 and what started was a week of learning, experiencing, and seeing the world that I had lived in for 6 months. It was very sad to not have the community of those I had lived with before (heather, seth, trevor, liana, jessica, valerie, tom, and garrett) but the new Athens group became my team. There were 14 in the group- they taught me so much that week and I hope they changed as well.
Another blog will be coming soon with pictures and experiences I had in the last week. I am so glad I said yes to going back, and I hope to go back again soon.