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Support Update

Goal: $8500
Amount Raised: $6,185
Amount Needed: $2315
So life goes on. I have about 3.5 months until the training camp the beginning of August. Then home for a month until I finally get to leave and go on this Adventure in September. I am so excited its not even funny. I got my shots yesterday – Hep A, B, typhoid. Ouch. But hey if it will keep me safe while in Mexico/Nicaragua (or another country if i decide) then by all means, I will do it.
I am continuing to learn Spanish, and im hoping to be able to have a really good conversation with someone I meet down in Mexico/Nicaragua. Language barriers are hard, yes they can be crossed in helping someone, but I really want to be able to connect with someone- and being able to speak the language is a plus. I can understand spanish pretty well, so the challenge will just be me opening my mouth and trying to speak out loud in spanish without getting embarrased. 🙂
Please continue to pray for everyone on our team that we will become closer to God in these next few months while we prepare ourselves for ministry. It is very exciting!

One response to “Life”

  1. So reading this post made me really excited to learn spanish. ive been setting my facebook language to spanish and watching spanish soap operas to help speed up the process ahha!

    Cant wait to finally meet you in person in a few months! woot!