
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Well, I’ve been home a week. Officially been in the US for 2 weeks now. Its different. Very different from Nica. I didn’t realize how much I had gotten used to Granada. And the work that we were doing there. I find myself at home, going through this sort of “missionary withdrawl.” Where I want to do that kind of stuff 24/7. I miss my friends I made on this trip, I miss the rush of joy and energy I got from being in community. I miss that life there.

Then I realize what I really did in Nicaragua. I lived life. But I lived life with purpose. And by living life, I impacted those around me. And my friends in Nicaragua impacted me. I will never forget the lessons I learned there. By stepping out of my box, I exercised my faith and in doing that, the lessons I learned were intensified by the unfamiliar and different place I was in. I found God, and He was NOT on the corner of 1st and Amistad. (yeah I just used song lyrics in my blog haha)

And I can do this stuff here. In Columbus, Ohio. I don’t have to go to Africa, or Nicaragua, or Botswana, although I do feel called to different countries in the future. But for now, I will stay here in Ohio, and do what I could do anywhere in the world. Live life with purpose, have a dream for the future, and always remember to “Choose Novas!” (for those of you who don’t know, that is a resident joke among those of us on the Novas project – to choose Novas).

So this is my last blog for now – here on this page. I know for certain in the future I will be leading trips for AIM, as well as going on other trips all over the world. So I may pick back up on blogging when these trips take place. But for now, God bless you all! And thank you for your support, your prayers, and for being interested in my trip.

(oh for those of you who go to my church, I will probably be speaking in front of church, or having a special missions night to talk about Nicaragua, so stay tuned for that!)



3 responses to “Moving forward.”

  1. those are some important lessons that i think everyone can learn…we all can live life with a purpose. the college degree will help you somehow…you may not know right now, but it will help you.

  2. this is a great entry amber. you have amazing insight on being home and how God can use you here just as He did there. It’s often times hard for people to see it that way after an experience like yours but it is so true. So I pray you keep that passion!